Antarte promotes Solidarity Tree exhibition

This is an action that follows on from the social responsibility project “Decorar para Humanizar” and whose main objective is to help decorate some of the rooms at the Centro Materno Infantil at Hospital de Santo António.


Inaugurated on the 23rd of September, at Alfândega do Porto, the exhibition “Árvore Solidária” is an Antarte project created and sponsored by the Nobel Prize winner, José Ramos-Horta, with the aim of helping to decorate some of the rooms at the Centro Materno Infantil of Hospital de Santo António. The project includes 15 tree hangers that were decorated by 15 artists and personalities from different arts, remaining on display open to the public until the end of October.

Antarte inaugurated on the 23rd of September, at Alfândega do Porto, its exhibition “Solidarity Tree”. This is an action that follows on from the social responsibility project “Decorar para Humanizar” and whose main objective is to help decorate some of the rooms at the Centro Materno Infantil at Hospital de Santo António.

The “Decorate to Humanize” project began in 2019, is sponsored by the Nobel Peace Prize and human rights defender José Ramos-Horta and includes 15 tree hangers decorated by 15 personalities from the most diverse arts. Bordallo Pinheiro, Chakall, Custódio Almeida, Francisco Laranjo, Guilherme Mampuya, Isa Silva, Joana Vasconcelos, Katty Xiomara, Kruella D’Enfer, Manuela Casal Aguiar, Mr. Dheo, Paula Marques, Paulo Neves, Pedro Guimarães and Zulmiro Carvalho responded positively to this challenge, which also arose as part of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the tree hanger, created by the CEO of Antarte, Mário Rocha, and which over time has become an iconic element of the brand. «It was important to use this piece not only because it was celebrating 15 years of existence, but also because it precisely represents life and the future. These are difficult times that families live in those spaces, so with this initiative we want to help make stays a little lighter with more humanized spaces and similar to their homes, thus helping in their recovery», says Mário Rocha.

For Paulo Barbosa, Chairman of the Board of Directors Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto (CHUP) «it is very important from a physical and psychological point of view for patients and families to feel that these spaces were created with their well-being in mind, and that give them comfort and transmit positive energy. This is only possible with the help of projects and brands such as “Decorar para Humanizar” by Antarte », he says.

After the exhibition closes, Antarte will hold an auction with these tree hangers, the value of which will revert in its entirety to the Maternal and Child Center of the Hospital de Santo António.

For José Ramos Horta, this «is a noble project and to which he could not remain indifferent. Supporting children and families in difficult times is a big responsibility, but for which I am and will always be available. By creating the “Decorate to Humanize” project, Antarte shows that we all have an obligation and responsibility, within our areas and possibilities, to help those who need it most!»

Visiting the exhibition is free and will be open to the public at Alfândega do Porto until the end of October.

Exposição Árvore Solidária Exposição Árvore Solidária

Exposição Árvore Solidária


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