Discover the Love Nature initiative

Love Nature is a pioneering sustainability initiative offering a native tree to plant. Goal: 50,000 trees planted.


Antarte launched a pioneering sustainability initiative, at an emblematic time like March, month of the tree and spring: LOVE NATURE.


The initiative consists of offering a native tree to plant. Members are also invited to become 'green' influencers by sharing a photo, video or story of the tree planted on their social networks as a way of raising awareness and mobilizing others to adopt the same gesture.


In a country plagued by forest fires and with a lack of forest management, Antarte wants to contribute to reforestation with indigenous species.


The ambassador of the LOVE NATURE initiative is actress Catarina Gouveia, one of the most prominent Portuguese influencers in the field of sustainability. As the face of the publicity campaign, she planted the first tree of the LOVE NATURE initiative and recorded a film to publicize the initiative in digital media.


LOVE NATURE aims to plant 2022 trees in the spring of 2022 and a total of 50,000 by 2025.


To underscore the importance of this gesture, members will receive a cryptomeria wood plaque engraved with their name and membership number. Also at the Antarte Center, Antarte's new headquarters building, the LOVE NATURE Mural will be created, which will bring together plaques similar to those sent to all members but placed in a configuration that replicates the shapes of indigenous trees.



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